Monday, January 14, 2013



Lesson learned today about breast feeding.

So yesterday I tried to cook Beth and I a nice healthy meal. Always need to get some veggies in there to make it well balance right. So I cooked some brussel sprout in the frying pan bringing them to a nice golden brown. They were delicious.

So in case you didn't know, whatever Beth eats gets transferred to the baby through the milk. So when she called me up today to tell me that Brayden has not stopped crying all day and she thinks it is gas, I originally said "that can't be right". Being the detective that I am I traced back through everything that I thought she had eaten. Just when I had about given up... "OHH SNAP, I MADE THOSE DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS BRUSSEL SPROUTS LAST NIGHT". I knew I was right because I too had a little bubble butt last night post meal.

I sprung into action remembering the "Dealing with Gas" section of the Dad Survival Guide book that my brother Ryan had got me. Then without hesitation deployed the gas relieving tactics that were described.. Within no time (a couple hours) I had Brayden cooing in his crib under an uncontrollable sleep.

Beth was extremely impressed. Just saying.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

1/3/12 9:15 pm

Early onset sleep deprivation

It's official. Early onset sleep deprivation has started for Beth and myself. Traditionally I have been straight up cranky if I don't get my full 8 hours of sleep and beauty rest at night.. Now we are running on about 4. So it's kinda rough.. Well at least I can see it more apparent for Beth.

Case and point: Beth laughs almost historically at ALL of my jokes.. I mean I know I am a pretty funny dude, but some of the things that are getting her laughing at are only one knee slippers!!! I don't even have to use all of my good material.

Well I have to say though.. At this point it is pretty easy to get any laugh when the majority of your conversations at night are about poop and blowout.

1/3/13 12:30am

The little guy isn't sleeping well tonight. Can't seem to get him into a deep sleep. I even tried my technique (as mentioned a few posts ago) where I lay down on the floor and use my hand to rock the cradle.

I was going through a rut with changing diapys over the past few days. Brayden was getting to a mid diapy change checkpoint and then he was letting his bladder loose. This resulted in copious amounts of urine covering his entire outfit. This also makes daddy very upset as one can imagine. That's all I am going to say about that...