Saturday, December 29, 2012

12/29/12 11:58AM

Night of the living dad

Tonight I am absolutely freakin exhausted. I think my body is finally catching up with me and its saying "sloooooow dooooowwwnnnnn!". After a quickly diapy change and bottle with my eyes practically closed, Brayden would not fall back asleep. What's that? Awesome idea Justin!! Put Brayden in his cradle , then lay down on the floor where it is nice and comfy and you can rock Brayden to sleep with your hands. You don't your eyes open to rock the cradle. It's so easy that you can practically do it in your sleep, right?

So thats what I did, I laid down on the floor next to the crib and rocked it with my left hand, eyes closed and all! This lasted for a solid 2 minutes before you found me passed out laying face down next to the cradle. It literally looked like someone took a baseball bat to my head and I was knocked out next to my sons cradle. I proceeded to wake up about an hour later, drool on face and all, actually surprised I fell asleep on the floor. But to my surprise I had Brayden sleeping nicely next to me.. .. I should try this technique more often.

Friday, December 28, 2012

12/27/12 12:53am

Brayden has been up for the better part of an hour and a half. I am doing my part to let Beth get as much sleep as possible right now. We have been home for 3 days now and we just got re-introduced to our other bundle of joy - Lola (our pug).

The evening started and continued (notice that I didn't say ended) with Brayden and Lola taking turns testing my patience to see how much crying and barking Beth and I could handle in the first couple hours. The hardest part of it all is the fact that Brayden and Lola seem to feed off each other. Meaning the harder Lola barks the more Brayden will cry and vice versa.

I have been trying to keep myself busy reading articles on my phone, and I have even dabbled into some Pregnancy & Newborn magazines. But I will discuss my thoughts on this magazine in another post. For now I will pray that Brayden will fall asleep soon. ....

Well as I wrote that last sentence I just smelled the sweet aroma of a nice poopy so he is sure wake up to me changing his diapy

Thursday, December 27, 2012

12/28/12 12:43am

Sneaky PeePee

A term that I will coin tonight. This is something that has now happened 3 times and I just can't explain it...

Sneaky PeePee: Brayden's ability to pee an extraordinary distance or quantity while diaper is being changed without anyone noticing.

In my mind this is truly remarkable to accomplish this without anyone knowing what just hit them, then BAM! Let me describe how it happened tonight. 12:20am just got finished giving the big guy some exquisitely pre-pumped deliciousness. Set him down for a change. Got the diapy off. Took 1.5 steps from where I was working to dispose of the diaper in the Diaper Genie ( a total distance of about 20 inches. Returned to Brayden in approximately 2.5 seconds only to find that the fresh diapy I put on him is wet, the changing table cloth is wet, and there is a short stream of wetness on the carpet with a trail going up the dresser. Sneaky PeePee...