Saturday, December 29, 2012

12/29/12 11:58AM

Night of the living dad

Tonight I am absolutely freakin exhausted. I think my body is finally catching up with me and its saying "sloooooow dooooowwwnnnnn!". After a quickly diapy change and bottle with my eyes practically closed, Brayden would not fall back asleep. What's that? Awesome idea Justin!! Put Brayden in his cradle , then lay down on the floor where it is nice and comfy and you can rock Brayden to sleep with your hands. You don't your eyes open to rock the cradle. It's so easy that you can practically do it in your sleep, right?

So thats what I did, I laid down on the floor next to the crib and rocked it with my left hand, eyes closed and all! This lasted for a solid 2 minutes before you found me passed out laying face down next to the cradle. It literally looked like someone took a baseball bat to my head and I was knocked out next to my sons cradle. I proceeded to wake up about an hour later, drool on face and all, actually surprised I fell asleep on the floor. But to my surprise I had Brayden sleeping nicely next to me.. .. I should try this technique more often.

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