Thursday, December 27, 2012

12/28/12 12:43am

Sneaky PeePee

A term that I will coin tonight. This is something that has now happened 3 times and I just can't explain it...

Sneaky PeePee: Brayden's ability to pee an extraordinary distance or quantity while diaper is being changed without anyone noticing.

In my mind this is truly remarkable to accomplish this without anyone knowing what just hit them, then BAM! Let me describe how it happened tonight. 12:20am just got finished giving the big guy some exquisitely pre-pumped deliciousness. Set him down for a change. Got the diapy off. Took 1.5 steps from where I was working to dispose of the diaper in the Diaper Genie ( a total distance of about 20 inches. Returned to Brayden in approximately 2.5 seconds only to find that the fresh diapy I put on him is wet, the changing table cloth is wet, and there is a short stream of wetness on the carpet with a trail going up the dresser. Sneaky PeePee...

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ...young grasshopper ... proper technique is to have new diaper on the ready, poss under the left arm. instead of attempting to dispose of the soiled diaper, use the tabs to ball it up and place it on the side of the changing table/area. quickly re-wrap the infant, then it is safe to walk away from said child. follow these steps closely, or face the wrath of the dreaded "sneaky peepee"
